A belated posting from a beautiful day walking between Corbridge and Hexham, visiting the Physic Garden in between. We were expecting rain so a day of sunshine was an unexpected bonus.
Looking down the Tyne from Corbridge bridge
Looking back across the Tyne to Corbridge
As ever I was rapidly distracted by the flowers and insects - take a photographer for a walk and expect to hang around a lot while they take yet another photograph just trying to get that perfect shot!
It is good not to be the only one with cheeky snails
And after a walk through the woods, looking down the hill to our destination and lunch in Hexham.
Looking in our direction of travel upstream
Looking upstream we could see Hexham ahead. Not long after this we came to the Devil's elbow and turned away from the Tyne to walk along its banks.
The Physic Garden at Dilston provided a peaceful and colourful interlude although the sun had disappeared.